-Indie Author-
H.S. Kallinger
Published and WIP Books
Lost Humanity series
Hotel of Lost Souls
World of Lost Souls
Lost Stories (coming in 2024?)
We've heard the hero origin stories, and we've heard from the villains, too. But seldom does the story revolve around the people supporting our heroes and villains. This story does. It's not about the hero's faithful sidekick. Nor is it about a sniveling sycophant seeking power. Zack Henderson is just an ordinary guy until the villain gets his hands on him. One trauma leads to another, and the abuse and rewards take him down a path of moral disengagement into a life of actions he would never have believed himself capable. But Zack is just trying to rebuild his life from the ashes. This is the perfect opportunity for the villain to mold him into a good lackey. But he has no idea how much Zack will mold him in return.
Found Humanity series
A Demon to Save Me
Blood Dhampir
Vampire Wolf
Gate into the Infinite
Glitter, Blood, and Other Girly Things
High Among the Stars
Finding Magic
Donor for Hire
Fairy Tale Kisses
Found Families
Domestic Werewolf
Two Princes
Nothing According to Plan
Crashing Down
The World You Love
Out of This World
Home Universe for the Holidays
Digging Black Holes
Growing Pains
When I Grow Up
Skipping Stones Across Time
A Future Under Different Stars
Space Stations and Dragons
Book Twenty-Five
Gabriel "Gabby" Belmont has the same dreams and hopes as human kids. Graduate high school, go to college, med school, live the dream. He should have the same, ordinary life as his peers. Most dhampir are just like humans, maybe a little faster, stronger, healthier, but overall, you can't tell them apart. Unfortunately for Gabby, he's not 'a little' enhanced. He's almost half as strong and fast as a vampire. What's more, he's gifted, both by human terms and vampire. Other kids can't feel emotions from their peers. Other teenagers can't summon real demons in their bedrooms. Even among dhampir, Gabby is an outlier, and he's been lonely a very long time. This story is about friendship, found family, love in all its forms, healing, self-discovery... and portals into other universes.
No True Immortals
Books are unnamed so far, but this promises to be a series.
WeMeleez and WeTandee have been inseparable since the womb. It's only natural that when it's time for their Rite, their passage into adulthood, they embark on it together. Their story is one of adventure, finding magic, and self-discovery in a federated queendom of six states ruled by six monarchs. Meleez is set to inherit the highest throne in the country, and Tandee's future is uncertain. All of that is in the future, however, and for now, it is just them, the grass beneath their feet, and a quest. The time when they would meet the queen of a corrupt, enemy country is far away.
Natashiana was raised in an inn, bar, and brothel. Her greatest joy is going down to the border between her country and the one below, to watch the dragons flying. She plans to apprentice as a Night Woman, a sex worker, like her mother, but she thinks that ultimately, she may go south to become a dragon rider. All of her plans go awry when she meets a knight at the dragon's mating flight who's there to take her home--to the castle in the center of Xyloria, to claim her birthright as the lost heir after the king dies. But she isn't the princess of a beloved, happy country, and she's about to find out how much education she really needs.
Monster Love
This is a children's story about a child who wants a monster of their own to love.